seizure warning

Blending modes may z-fight and Causes rapid clashing colors resulting in a high frequency flicker Please do not press play if you feel at risk of epileptic seizure.

Welcome to Summoner

Summoner is an html5 browser based vj website I made to play with when listening to music by summoning inner-dimensional beings into your computer screen for you to see in the most recognizable fashion I could put together.

Update notes 12-10-2019...

Summoner has been updated with

  1. new shapes: Replaced some shapes to the keyboard layout
  2. New color bars: replaced some of the color bars for better varriation
  3. blending mode tweaks: the blending modes are( + dark, - light ,*noize ,grunge / )
  4. Overlay mode including different blending modes ( Enter, [, ])

Guide to interacting with the inner-dimensional bings found in summoner

Update notes 12-16-2019...

Added some mouse controls

  • mouse wheel controls speed
  • middle mouse click sets a random layer modulation
  • right and left click adjusts layer modulation properties

touch controls

  • touching will summon TRY ME!!

just a demo, this also conflicts with the mouse controls but still experimenting.

    Summon keys

    These are all the wave forms for bringing forth the inner-dimensional beings. Each of the letter keys on your keyboard will activate a frequency that will bring forth your selected being.

  • ________Simple Beings________
  • Q= Square Rain
  • W= circle circle
  • E= pink Saw
  • R= green triangle
  • T= tents
  • Y= sunset sine
  • U= oval waves
  • I= yellow squaresine
  • O= circle sine saw
  • P= boxwave
  • [= starbright
  • ]= sun sine
  • ________Complex Beings________
  • A= double mushroom
  • S= midnight rose
  • D= tiled circle
  • F= tripple helix
  • G= kissing molosks
  • H= psychic helocopter
  • J= tangler
  • K= psycho vase
  • L= rainbow cilender
  • ________Hypnotic Beings________
  • Z= square trails
  • X= triangle trail
  • C= cyclone
  • V= orbiter
  • B= knot wave
  • N= hypnotic rainbow
  • M= hypnotic star
  • _____________________________
  • color bars

    The number keys will open flattened background dimensions for the inner-dimensional beings to interact with

  • 1= jagged background
  • 2= commodore color cycle
  • 3= scan-lines bright
  • 4= cool running
  • 5= miami
  • 6= green poles
  • 7= mirage
  • 8= Atari color cycle
  • 9= bright sawlines
  • 0= rainbow cycle
  • color bars modifiers

    Some of the backgrounds dimensions have effects to modulate or distort the frequency a bit

  • shift left= warp center
  • ctrl/cmd left= slow down
  • _____________________________
  • Effects

    To further understand the beings you can change the viewing effect to allow the beings more expression.

  • NUM1= no effects
  • NUM2= invert
  • NUM3= detailed
  • NUM4= pixelate
  • NUM5= warped
  • NUM6= television
  • NUM7= pixelart
  • NUM8= glowing
  • NUM9= center warp
  • NUM0= null
  • _____________________________
  • overlay modes

    Another way to understand the beings is by changing the inter-dimensional blending to see the beings with different lighting.

  • delete= no overlays
  • NUM-= screen mode
  • NUM*= difference mode
  • NUM/= multiply mode
  • NUMlock= subtract mode
  • NUMend= noise mode
  • NUMhome= polka dot mode

Thank you for your interest in summoner and I hope you enjoy your time using it :)

Construct 2 capx source

For true travelers you can download the .capx file for use with Construct2 Html5 game engine.



GPL 2.0 licence


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

You can use it, You can abuse it, as long as You choose it.


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

SummonerKCM.capx 6.8 MB

Development log


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Thanks for the update!

Nice to see another update. Cant wait to study your source again!

Hello, are you still working on this baby? I love it! 

Yes, there will be an update soon with a grungy overlay mode and updated summons.

Great news. Thanks for your hard work!